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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Biologists' Discovery May Force Revision Of Biology Textbooks

Basic biology textbooks may need a bit of revising now that biologists at UC San Diego have discovered a never-before-noticed component of our basic genetic material.

According to the textbooks, chromatin, the natural state of DNA in the cell, is made up of nucleosomes. And nucleosomes are the basic repeating unit of chromatin.

Credit: James Kadonaga, UC San Diego

When viewed by a high powered microscope, nucleosomes look like beads on a string (photo at right). But in the August 19th issue of the journal Molecular Cell, UC San Diego biologists report their discovery of a novel chromatin particle halfway between DNA and a nucleosome (photo at left). While it looks like a nucleosome, they say, it is in fact a distinct particle of its own.

"This novel particle was found as a precursor to a nucleosome," said James Kadonaga, a professor of biology at UC San Diego who headed the research team and calls the particle a "pre-nucleosome." "These findings suggest that it is necessary to reconsider what chromatin is. The pre-nucleosome is likely to be an important player in how our genetic material is duplicated and used."

The biologists say that while the pre-nucleosome may look something like a nucleosome under the microscope, biochemical tests have shown that it is in reality halfway between DNA and a nucleosome.

These pre-nucleosomes, the researchers say, are converted into nucleosomes by a motor protein that uses the energy molecule ATP (see graphic).

Credit: James Kadonaga, UC San Diego

"The discovery of pre-nucleosomes suggests that much of chromatin, which has been generally presumed to consist only of nucleosomes, may be a mixture of nucleosomes and pre-nucleosomes," said Kadonaga. "So, this discovery may be the beginning of a revolution in our understanding of what chromatin is."

"The packaging of DNA with histone proteins to form chromatin helps stabilize chromosomes and plays an important role in regulating gene activities and DNA replication," said Anthony Carter, who oversees chromatin grants at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, which funded the research. "The discovery of a novel intermediate DNA-histone complex offers intriguing insights into the nature of chromatin and may help us better understand how it impacts these key cellular processes."

Contacts and sources:
Kim McDonald
University of California - San Diego

Airplane Plus Heat Plus Ice Equals Mystery

It's difficult to believe that an airplane flying in the tropics in the summer could have an engine fill up with ice, freeze, and shut down. But the phenomenon, known as engine core ice accretion, has happened more than 150 times since 1988 — frequently enough to attract the attention of NASA aviation safety experts, who are preparing a flight campaign in northern Australia to learn more about this occasional hazard and what can be done to prevent it.

"It's not happening in one particular type of engine and it's not happening on one particular type of airframe," said Tom Ratvasky, an icing flight research engineer at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. "The problem can be found on aircraft as big as large commercial airliners, all the way down to business-sized jet aircraft." And it has happened at altitudes up to 41,000 feet.

No accident has been attributed to the phenomenon in the 23 years since it was identified, but there have been some harrowing moments in the air. In most of the known cases, pilots have managed to restore engine power and reach their destinations without further problems. According to the Federal Aviation Administration, there have been two forced landings. For example, in 2005, both engines of a Beechcraft business jet failed at 38,000 feet above Jacksonville, Fla. The pilot glided the aircraft to an airport, dodging thunderstorms and ominous clouds on the way down. Engine core ice accretion was to blame.

Little is understood about ice crystal properties at high altitude and how ice accumulates inside engines. The engines may be toasty warm inside at such heights, but the air outside is frosty cold. The prevailing theory holds the trouble occurs around tropical storms in which strong convection currents move moist air from low altitudes to high altitudes where the local temperatures are very cold, creating high concentrations of ice crystals. But the properties of the ice crystals, such as their size and how many of them are in a given volume of air, are a mystery — one that an international research team led by NASA aims to solve.

This graphic explains what researchers believe might happen to cause engine icing. Credit: NASA/Maria Werries › Link to larger photo

The FAA has proposed new certification standards for engines that will be operated in atmospheric conditions that generate ice crystals. The rules will take effect next year, just as the NASA team heads to Darwin, Australia, aboard an aircraft specially equipped with instruments to study cloud physics during the Southern Hemisphere summer. Analyses of the Darwin flight tests and additional tests in ground-based facilities in the United States and Canada will provide the FAA the means for ensuring compliance with the new standards.

"We need to understand what that environment is out there and, even though it may be a rare case, be able to fly through those icing conditions unscathed. Or if we can find ways of detecting this condition and keep aircraft out of it, that's something we're interested in doing," Ratvasky said.

Researchers explain the phenomenon this way: Small ice crystals found in storm clouds get sucked into the core of an aircraft engine, where the pressure is high and the temperature is warm. Some of the ice melts and covers the warm engine parts with a thin film of water that traps additional ice crystals. The super-cooled water chills the engine components enough that ice can accumulate on them. If the built-up ice breaks away in chunks it can damage compressor blades, reduce the power level, or snuff out the engine altogether.

This Gulfstream 2 business jet is being outfitted over the next few months with special sensors to probe cloud properties during the High Ice Water Content experiments.
Image credit: NASA › Link to larger photo

For the flight research, NASA is outfitting a Gulfstream 2 business jet with more than 20 meteorological sensors that will be used to probe cloud properties, such as water content and the size and concentration of ice particles, which can lead to engine and air data sensor failures that threaten aviation safety. The data gathered will aid scientists' understanding of cloud growth processes, help them create reliable detection methods and realistic ground-based simulations, and provide a foundation for possible new aircraft design and certification standards. FAA can use what the team learns over the course of its research project to verify the range of atmospheric conditions addressed in the new standards.

The flight campaign has three primary goals:
  • Characterize the range of environmental conditions in which internal engine icing can take place, with an emphasis on how much water or ice is present in a given volume of air.
  • Determine how to identify geographic regions where such weather threatens and ways to detect the conditions in real time in order to develop guidance that pilots can use to avoid the hazard.
  • Collect enough data to enable researchers to simulate the weather conditions for aircraft engine tests in ground facilities such as Glenn’s Propulsion Systems Laboratory.“Our plan is to study the weather patterns that lead to these conditions, not to test a particular engine configuration. We do not plan to intentionally cause our engines to have an icing event,” Ratvasky said. 
The Propulsion Systems Laboratory recently underwent upgrades to equip it for ground-based simulations of high-altitude icing conditions. Work to transform the Gulfstream 2 into a working airborne science laboratory is under way at a NASA contractor site, Flight Test Associates in Mojave, Calif., and will be completed early in 2012. Engineers will mount six instruments on each wing and additional instruments on the fuselage to measure cloud particle size and shape and water content, whether the particles are liquid or crystal, and the speed of the updraft as cloud particles form.

The research team – with representatives from FAA, The Boeing Company, the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Environment Canada, the National Research Council of Canada, Transport Canada, Airbus and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology – will conduct trial runs during the monsoon season in February and March 2012, develop findings and address lessons learned, and then return in January through March 2013 for the primary flight campaign.

The team chose Darwin for several reasons: its ground-based weather observing systems are the best in the tropics, there will be plenty of storms to sample, there is plenty of data from previous atmospheric characterization efforts with which to compare, and the Southeast Asia region has seen a large number of engine power-loss events.
Contacts and sources:

Jim Banke
NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate

Dying Star Makes Graphene, Buckyballs, First Cosmic Detection Of Materials

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has spotted the signature of flat carbon flakes, called graphene, in space. If confirmed, this would be the first-ever cosmic detection of the material -- which is arranged like chicken wire in flat sheets that are one atom thick.

Graphene in Space: An artist's concept of graphene, buckyballs and C70 superimposed on an image of the Helix planetary nebula, a puffed-out cloud of material expelled by a dying star. 

Artist concept of graphene in space

Graphene was first synthesized in a lab in 2004, and subsequent research on its unique properties garnered the Nobel Prize in 2010. It's as strong as it is thin, and conducts electricity as well as copper. Some think it's the "material of the future," with applications in computers, screens on electrical devices, solar panels and more.

Graphene in space isn't going to result in any super-fast computers, but researchers are interested in learning more about how it is created. Understanding chemical reactions involving carbon in space may hold clues to how our own carbon-based selves and other life on Earth developed.

Spitzer identified signs of the graphene in two small galaxies outside of our own, called the Magellanic Clouds, specifically in the material shed by dying stars, called planetary nebulae. The infrared-sensing telescope also spotted a related molecule, called C70, in the same region – marking the first detection of this chemical outside our galaxy.

C70 and graphene belong to the fullerene family, which includes molecules called "buckyballs," or C60. These carbon spheres contain 60 carbon atoms arranged like a soccer ball, and were named after their resemblance to the architectural domes of Buckminister Fuller. C70 molecules contain 70 carbon atoms and are longer in shape, more like a rugby ball.

Fullerenes have been found in meteorites carrying extraterrestrial gases, and water has been very recently encapsulated in buckyballs by using new laboratory techniques. These findings suggest fullerenes may have helped transport materials from space to Earth long ago, possibly helping to kick-start life.

Spitzer definitively detected both buckyballs and C70 in space for the first time in July 2010 (see It later spotted buckyballs -- equivalent in mass to 15 full moons -- in the Small Magellanic Cloud. These latter results demonstrated that, contrary to what was previously believed, fullerenes and other complex molecules could form in hydrogen-rich environments (see

According to astronomers, the graphene, buckyballs and C70 might be forming when shock waves generated by dying stars break apart hydrogen-containing carbon grains.

The team that performed the Spitzer research is led by Domingo Aníbal García-Hernández of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias in Spain. The results appear in the Astrophyscial Journal Letters. García-Hernández is also the lead author of the study that used Spitzer to detect heaps of buckyballs in the Small Magellanic Cloud.

Read the news release from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tucson at .

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. For more information about Spitzer, visit .

 Contacts and sources:
Whitney Clavin 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

The Dark Secret Of Queen Hatshepsut's Mysterious Flacon

Bonn scientists shed light on the dark secret of Queen Hatshepsut's flacon

Queen Hatshepsut statue
Image: Wikipedia

The corpus delicti is a plain flacon from among the possessions of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, who lived around 1450 B.C., which is on exhibit in the permanent collection of the Egyptian Museum of the University of Bonn. For three and a half millennia, the vessel may have held a deadly secret. 

This is what the Head of the collection, Michael Höveler-Müller and Dr. Helmut Wiedenfeld from the university's Pharmacology Institute just discovered. After two years of research it is now clear that the flacon did not hold a perfume; instead, it was a kind of skin care lotion or even medication for a monarch suffering from eczema. In addition, the pharmacologists found a strongly carcinogenic substance. Was Hatshepsut killed by her medicine?

Michael Höveler-Müller (left) and Dr. Helmut Wiedenfeld with the mysterious vial.
Photo: Barbara Frommann / Uni Bonn

When Michael Höveler-Müller became the curator of the Egyptian Museum of the University of Bonn in 2009, it occurred to him to examine the interior of the vessel that, according to an inscription, belonged to Pharaoh Hatshepsut. Its neck had been blocked with what was generally considered "dirt," but Höveler-Müller suspected that it might also be the original clay stopper. So possibly, some of the original contents might still be inside. In Dr. Helmut Wiedenfeld from the Pharmacy Institute, he found just the right partner, to get to the bottom of this question and of the flacon.

The "corpus delicti". 
Photo: Egyptian Museum / University of Bonn

At the Radiology Clinic of the Bonn Universitätsklinikum, the flacon was subjected to a CAT scan. Here, the Egyptologist's suspicion was confirmed – not only was the closure intact, but the vessel also held residue of a dried-up liquid. In the summer of 2009, Professor Dr. Friedrich Bootz from the Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde (laryngology, rhinology and otology) of the University of Bonn took samples, using an endoscope.

Too greasy for perfume

This allowed Dr. Wiedenfeld and his team to analyze the old substances for their ingredients. And it became obvious very quickly that what they had found was not dried-up perfume. The mix contained large amounts of palm oil and nutmeg apple oil. "I didn't think anybody would put so much grease on her face," said Dr. Wiedenfeld. "That would make her look as greasy as a plate of ribs." Two additional components clued the pharmacologist in to the actual purpose of the mix, "We found a lot of unsaturated fatty acids that provide relief for people with skin diseases." And this is where the Egyptologist was able to add another piece of the puzzle, "It is indeed known that there were cases of skin disease in Hatshepsut's family." Inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis have a largely genetic component.

And the third group of ingredients also points to the fact that this substance was not about providing a nice fragrance, but instead, for fighting a big itch – the pharmacologists found a lot of hydrocarbons derived from creosote and asphalt. To this day, creams containing creosote are used to treat chronic skin diseases. Due to the potentially carcinogenic effects of some of its ingredients, creosote has meanwhile been banned from cosmetics completely, and medications containing creosote are now prescription-only.

What the pharmacologists detected in Hatshepsut's little bottle was in particular benzo(a)pyrene, a hazardous aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of several carbon rings. "Benzo(a)pyrene is one of the most dangerous carcinogenic substances we know," explained Dr. Wiedenfeld. For example, the risk of contracting lung cancer from cigarette smoke results essentially from this substance.

Did the lotion cause the Pharaoh's death from cancer?

Did Hatshepsut maybe poison herself without knowing it? "There is a lot that speaks for this hypothesis," Dr. Wiedenfeld said. "If you imagine that the Queen had a chronic skin disease and that she found short-term improvement from the salve, she may have exposed herself to a great risk over the years." The Egyptologist also thinks that this is very likely. "We have known for a long time that Hatshepsut had cancer and maybe even died from it," said Michael Höveler-Müller. "We may now know the actual cause."

But at this point, the Bonn scientists can only surmise how Hatshepsut obtained her lotion. "Egyptian physicians were general practitioners and good surgeons, but they were lousy internists," explained Dr. Wiedenfeld. "It is quite possible that they owe their knowledge of certain medications to their contacts with Persia and India where the healing arts were very advanced even in Antiquity."

Contacts and sources:
Michael Hoeveler-Mueller
University of Bonn

Lessons Learned From The 2 Worst Oils Spills In US History

One year after the notorious BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and two decades after the Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound off the coast of Alaska the scientific lesson is clear – microbes matter! Despite vast differences in the impacted marine ecosystems and the circumstances of these two worst oil spills in U.S. history, oil-degrading microorganisms played a significant role in reducing the overall environmental impact of both spills.

Deepwater Horizon oil spill
File:Deepwater Horizon oil spill - May 24, 2010 - with locator.jpg
Image: NASA

“Responders to future oil spills would do well to mobilize as rapidly as possible to determine both natural and enhanced microbial degradation and what the best possible approach will be to minimize the risk and impact of the spill on the environment,” says Terry Hazen, microbial ecologist with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).

“The fate of all oil spills will depend upon a unique set of circumstances that will govern risk and impacts, including the volume of oil spilled, the chemical nature of the oil, and the ecosystems with their specific environmental conditions impacted by the spilled oil,” he says. “However, the one common denominator is the cosmopolitan nature of oil-degrading microbes.”

Hazen, who leads the Ecology Department and Center for Environmental Biotechnology at Berkeley Lab’s Earth Sciences Division and has studied microbial activity at both spill sites, is the co-author with Ron Atlas, a University of Louisville biology professor, of a paper featured on the cover of this month’s issue of the journal Environmental Science & Technology. The paper is titled “Oil biodegradation and bioremediation: A tale of the two worst spills in U. S. history.”

Petroleum hydrocarbons in crude oils, such as those released into marine ecosystems by the Exxon Valdez and BP Deepwater Horizon spills, are natural products derived from aquatic algae laid down between 180 and 85 million years ago, the authors note. Because these hydrocarbons regularly seep into the environment from underground reservoirs, especially in marine environments, a large and diverse number of microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea and fungi, have evolved the ability to utilize these petroleum hydrocarbons as sources of food and energy for growth. While these oil-degrading microorganisms are ubiquitous, they may only represent a small proportion of a pre-spill microbial community in any given ecosystem. In both the Exxon Valdez and the BP Deepwater Horizon spills, the sudden and dramatic surge in the presence of crude oil sparked a sudden and dramatic surge in the presence of oil-degrading microorganisms that began to feed on the spilled oil.

“In the case of the Exxon Valdez spill, nitrogen fertilizers were applied to speed up the rates of oil biodegradation,” Hazen says. “In the case of the BP Deepwater Horizon spill, dispersants, such as Corexit 9500, were used to increase the available surface area and, thus, potentially increase the rates of biodegradation.”

Although it has been popular in the media to link both spills because of their size and notoriety, the differences between the two were stark. On March 24, 1989 the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, spilling an estimated 11 million gallons of heavy crude oil from Alaska’s North Slope, which spread as a surface slick in this sub-arctic region. As tidal currents and 50 mile-per-hour storm winds washed ashore much of the oil, clean-up of the shoreline became the primary focus.

“Because of the difficulty of achieving sufficient oil removal by physical washing and collection, especially for oil that had moved into the subsurface, bioremediation became a prime candidate for continuing treatment of the shoreline,” Hazen says. “Field tests showed that the addition of fertilizer enhanced the rates of biodegradation by the indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms, resulting in total petroleum-hydrocarbon losses as high as 1.2 percent per day.”

Within a few weeks of the spill, about 25- to 30-percent of the total hydrocarbon in the oil originally stranded on Prince William Sound shorelines had been degraded and by 1992, the length of shoreline still containing any significant amount of oil was 6.4 miles, or about 1.3-percent of the shoreline originally oiled in 1989.

Last year’s BP Deepwater Horizon spill was the result of an explosion of the drilling rig on April 20, 2010 that led to an uncontrolled blowout of the wellhead. The spill released an estimated 4.9 million barrels (205.8 million gallons) of light crude oil – more than an order of magnitude greater in total volume of oil than the Exxon Valdez spill – and considerable amounts of natural gas (methane). Light crude is more inherently biodegradable initially than heavy crude and in contrast to the relatively pristine conditions of Prince William Sound, the Gulf of Mexico experiences numerous natural seeps of oil and has been the site of other spills from drilling rigs, such as the IXTOC well blowout of 1979.

With the primary focus being to prevent oil from ever reaching the shoreline, a combination of strategies were employed, including controlled burns, skimming, siphoning from the wellhead, containment booms, shoreline berms and beach sand mixing. Also, for the first time ever, heavy concentrations of dispersants were applied to the deepwater leaking well. This was done primarily for safety reasons to prevent the highly flammable oil from reaching the surface immediately above the wellhead where a great many ships had congregated to carry out containment operations.

“The deep-water dispersed oil droplets had a concentration of less than 10 parts per million total petroleum hydrocarbons that has been likened to a cloud,” Hazen says. “Our studies showed that microbial activity within this cloud was significantly higher than outside the cloud.”

Hazen and his research group were able to determine that indigenous microbes, including a previously unknown species, degraded the oil plume to virtually undetectable levels within a few weeks after the damaged wellhead was sealed. Another study showed that the methane and other gaseous compounds in the water column were also almost completely degraded within three months. With regards to surface oil and shorelines, Hazen and Atlas state in their paper that “up to 40-percent of the oil was lost in the water column between the wellhead and the surface, largely due to dissolution and mixing as the oil moved to the surface and evaporation as soon as it reached the surface.” This lowered the hydrocarbon concentrations and changed the composition of the oil that did reach the shore.

“It is too soon to tell what the impact of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill will be on the delicate marsh environments and beach communities in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida,” Hazen says. “Many further studies will be needed to answer this question, but we can say that when oil is highly dispersed in the water column and where microbial populations are well adapted to hydrocarbon exposure, such as in Gulf of Mexico waters, biodegradation of oil proceeds very rapidly.”

Based on the lessons learned from the BP Deepwater Horizon and Exxon Valdez oil spills, Hazen and Atlas say that decisions as to whether to rely upon microbial oil biodegradation or whether to apply fertilizers, dispersants, detergents and/or/other chemicals used in environmental cleanup efforts, should be driven by risk and not just the presence of detectable hydrocarbons.

Contacts and sources:
Lynn Yarris
DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world’s most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, creating new materials, and revealing the origin and fate of the universe. Founded in 1931, Berkeley Lab’s scientific expertise has been recognized with 12 Nobel prizes. The University of California manages Berkeley Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. For more, visit

For more about the research of Terry Hazen, visit the Website at

Increase Your Energy Levels Naturally

Everyday I hear the same complaints from the same people about how tired they are, how stressed they are etc. with no solution in sight! The key is to correct the situation versus standing idle and accepting it.
Forget about the energy drinks or pills. Learn to increase your energy naturally, and have a healthy steady supply to get you through each day. By adjusting your personal eating, sleeping and exercise habits, you can boost your energy the natural way and settle into a self-sustaining rhythm.
Essential Water – Keep your body hydrated throughout the day. The first sign of dehydration is fatigue. Your body can’t function at capacity without that good old H2O. A steady supply of water will naturally keep things flowing–including your energy.
Improve Sleeping Habits – Often a small adjustment of your sleeping habits can already do wonders for your energy levels.
  • Lying in bed is not sleeping: Don’t go to bed if your not sleepy and end up lying in bed pondering and stressing.  If you are drifting off at the computer, while reading, or watching TV, it’s time to get to bed. Your bedtime should and will vary from night to night. Let your body tell you when to sleep as opposed to the following the 8-hour rule.
  • Rise and Shine: Put an alarm and get up at the same time everyday.
  • Sleepy at Noon?: Try a powernap of 20 minutes in a quiet place.
Experiment and find out what your optimal sleep levels are.
Yoga, Exercising & Stretching – It sounds counter-intuitive, perhaps, but by expending energy on a regular basis, you will actually give yourself more of it in the end. The key is to set up a fairly regular schedule–about three times a week–and push to the point that you feel refreshed, not exhausted. Don’t overdo it. It may take a couple of weeks to get into the natural rhythm, so have patience and higher energy levels will follow.
Deep breathing exercise – Another great way to re-energize your body is with a quick deep breathing exercise. Sit on a chair with a straight back and breathe deeply while you focus on your breath going in – going out. At the same time use a powerful affirmation to invigorate your mind and body.
Eliminate Energy-Sappers From Your Diet – Have more alkaline-forming foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid excess sugar and coffee as they lead to lower blood sugar levels–and less energy–after they give you an initial kick. Also one could pack some almonds and nuts for a quick and convenient protein snack.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

ALIEN intelligences

Before getting to the subject of the precession of equinoxes and the ages of humanity i really have to write about the human-alien hybrids and abductions.This is important because i am beginning to think that this is probably all interconnected together ( abductions,ufos,precession of the equinoxes,hybrids/advanced souls ).I am not a guru,i am not a crazy person looking for attention and i really do not pretend to want to save the world,do i really have to mention and specify that i am not seeking to endoctrinate people?, i trust that everyone reading this will use their discernement and intelligence.NOW PLEASE,i do not pretend to understand everything just yet and i do not have all the answers,but together we can put the pieces of the puzzle together and that is my only intention in writing this blog,to make this information circulate and make it available to everyone.Maybe will we understand what this is all about!

What i mean & understand so far about the human-alien hybrids,is that they are simply advanced souls ( BE CAREFUL i did not say superior beings or advanced humans ).Your soul is a light bodied essence that has lived many many lives before and this is all stored/memorized in your DNA.These hybrids have the ability to remember past lives memories,astral project/travel at an early age,and they are genetically modified by the alien intelligences, but to my humble opinion not necessarely to create a new kind of humanity ( i will come back on this subject in my next plubication ).It seems to me that for a large proportion and maybe the majority of these hybrids/advanced souls the process of waking up is very difficult,what i mean by this is they don`t know and/or  understand what is happening to them,i also think that the alien intelligences are trying to wake us up but it seems they are banging against that deep state of forgetfulness we are afflicted with.Which is the reason why it is very important that you understand what are astral projection and thought projection ( lucid dreaming ).      

If you are not conscious of what is happening while in the astral plane you will think and believe this is a strange dream or some sort of wakeful dream,but NO! this is very REAL! in esoteric term we say astral plane but personally i understand better if you say the 4th dimension.So,you are waking up in the astral plane and think this is all a dream when in fact you have projected yourself in the 4th dimension,and "bizarre" and extraordinary things can happen there...After that there is the 5th dimension in which  you can also project yourself just as when you astral project/travel but this time it is thought projection that is happening.Thought projection is REALLY REALLY FAST,it is really at the speed of thought,you think of something and,POUF! it`s already there! it is faster than light.We can call it the ethereal plane of reality others will call this lucid dreaming...You can suddenly wake up in the 5th dimension at times and you have NO IDEA that you are there,you will again think this is all a dream,but NO! you have projected yourself in the 5th dimension! and that is very real too!... SO,3rd,4th,5th,6th,dimensions and up,are you following me?...the alien intelligences can go through/travel these dimensions without any problems,angels and advanced beings have this ability too and they come to abduct us or VISIT US! when i say alien intelligences,there are different types,there are advanced humans and biological robots too,biological robots sent to abduct people and do medical exams on them.There are different of extraterrestrial species and they do not all have the same intentions towards us.Everything that i am writing here come from my own personal experiences,i did not take all of this from books and try to invent something,this is all REAL.So it is important that you understand what are astral and thought projections or in other terms the 4th and the 5th dimensions.At the end of this publication i will give you a list of signs and symptoms of alien abduction so you can verify for yourself if you have been abducted.

I have been abducted MANY TIMES and i have been genetically modified by the alien intelligences so that they can communicate with me on extra low frequency,and this is happening to THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE all over the planet,but the pseudo-researchers and ufologists won`t believe you and call you liars and pretentious idiots who don`t know anything,they will ridicule you and they will make it very important that you understand that you are just a little piece of garbage who have no clue,and they will also tell you to shut up...well,i have some bad news for them because i will not shut up!! i know what i am talking about,i have put a lot of time&energy trying to understand what was happening to me and what i was experiencing by doing a lot of thinking,observation and analysis,and did my own research based on those.Do not wait after some pseudo-researcher to validate what you are experiencing,make your own research.My advice is to always keep a journal and write down everything you can remember ( including dreams! ),and things you label as "strange",take notes! Also try not to jump to conclusions too fast because as you will see,you will find answers yes,but you will also discover that this is very very complex,be patient! this is a long and laborious process.Maybe what you are experiencing is similar or exactly as what i go through OR maybe not,and THAT IS OK! the most important is that you do your own approach,at one point you will probably understand that you are waking up and this is a difficult process.Be careful not to believe everything you read and hear,like i was saying it is best you make your own research,it will help you gain an understanding of what you are going through and process information in a manner that is clear to you.

And i have to add this,when you find yourself in the 5th dimension,if you are close to waking up ( from this deep state of sleep we are afflicted with ) it seems we are tested.You will be projected into a representation of something that is really close or reflects your thought structures/beliefs system.You could be sent into a representation of hell for exemple ( for me it was something else ) and you will totally believe in it or you won`t.After that you will experience something that will confirm to you if you have passed the test...i know this all sounds like sci-fi and i really have to pinch myself at times to be certain that what i am living is real.

-to wake up with bruises and/or strange marks on your body,and you KNOW you didn`t have them before going to bed
-to wake up without your pyjamas OR without the top/bottom,at other times your pyjamas will be on the wrong side
-to suddenly wake up right in the middle of your bed in a state of confusion as if you had been thrown down of something
-to hear clicking sounds in your bedroom at night
-to wake up in a state of convulsion,you are totally conscious when it happens and you do not suffer from epilepsy
-a ball of light that appears to you in your bedroom
-to be taken out of your body and be shown images on a wide screen
-to have frequent nosebleeds
-periodically feeling very tired/exhausted,confused and depressed,usually lasting a couple of days
-to be harassed or visited by MEN IN BLACK ( i will write about them in another publication )
-you astral travel at an early age ( i remember an astral projection i did at 4years old for instance )
-checking out if the doors and windows are really locked many times before going to bed at night,you do not have any good reason to do that,but you do it just IN CASE...( this is periodic and not all of the time)
-you are afraid to close your eyes and to sleep ( this is also periodic and not all of the time )
-to wake up paralyzed and in a state of terror,sometimes you will see white light all around you and the light reminds you of a hospital or a laboratory.
-when walking in the streets at night the streetlamps flicker or go off
-to have many "dreams" with ufos,extraterrestrials,ancient civilizations,robots,star constellations,orbs of light,cataclysmic events and natural disasters like floods and earthquakes...
-you feel presences in your room at night and this is very intense,almost palpable,you know they are there and you know this is not your imagination
-to have a very short memory,as if parts of your memory have been blocked ( i can hardly remember my childhood for instance )

You can have experienced all of these signs and symptoms since childhood at different periods of your life,which is what happened to me,or you could have experienced just a few of them.It is yours to determine this,but i can tell you that i did not come up with that list all of a sudden,i had to go through a long process of waking up where some of those memories came back to me one at a time as i went along.

take care and be well

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We have heard about the founders of Twitter and Orkut and we spend money to watch movies about the creator of facebook!

But how many of us know about Archana, Puneet, Sonpreet. Three fellow Indians who making waves across the tech world! The Trio have created a Mobile app called MyCityWay which has around 3 Million users across the globe and is the No.1 Urban mobility app in the WORLD! 

They are celebrated as one of the best upcoming entrepreneurs in the world!!!!



 Hi All,

The trio like any other Indian had went to NewYork to pursue their American dream but were brave enough to quit their high paying Wall street Job to start their own start up company, three Indians going to NewYork, without any help starting their own company and making it big across the globe is such a feat!!!  They would have undergone struggles and challenges in the foreign land but they have really created history!!


Their App is across the world and in 50+ cities and it is the no.1 travel app in every city they go!
This is a proud achievement for all Indians!!!!!!!!!

They are also officially endorsed and funded by the NewYork government.  

And the greatest of all the news is BMW has approached them and MyCityWay to create navigation technology for all their Future cars!!!! What a feat it is! BMW the world greatest car manufacturer now depends on three Indians to develop their future cars!!!!!
 This is a moment where we can lift our collars as Indians!!!

And recently they have also release their app for Indian cities Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi and the app is available for iPhone, Android and blackberry!


This is another feather in the cap for Indian technical brilliance.

Forward this to all Indians you know and make them aware that if we dream big we Indians can also conquer the world!!!!

Medical Benefits of Grapes

GRAPES are around 8,000 types of grapes available in this world. Even though there are many varieties of grapes, the most common types of grapes we encounter are black, purple and green grapes.

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Black grapes have more medicinal values compared to purple and green grapes.

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In western countries black grapes are used to prepare wine.If you, siblings or your life partner is weak, tired or stressed up, instead of consuming alcohol drinks, it is best to consume black grape juice.

How to make black grape juice?

Take 1 handful of black grapes.

Blend the fruit with water (optional)

Make sure you blend the seeds also.

Strain and leave for 4- 6 hours.

Serve to your husband or siblings.

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This juice is good as,,,

a) it aids and increase digestion. Make sure you take one glass of black grape juice after your meal

b.) ease bowel motion

c) gives strength to small intestines

d) provides strength to children Grape seeds have many medicinal values.

The seeds are used to produce oil and have the healing nutrients to prevent cancer.

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When serving grapes to your kids, make sure you remove the skin as their body system will not be able to digest the skins properly. As for adults, they should consume the skin, flesh and seeds. 

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This is the right way of eating grapes and the way to gain the fruits full nutritional values.Black grape juice will not cause dizziness. Instead it will calm the mind, promotes good sleep and gives vigorousness to men when they wake up in the morning.

Hence try to consume black grapes at least once in every fortnight...